Well, it finally happened! We're pregnant.
After 5 months of trying and feeling lost and confused, we finally did it!
Those five months of trying were filled with anger, frustration, questions, confusion, feeling lost and then towards the end acceptance and realizing this could go on for awhile.
We have family history that allowed us to get a few tests done and get an appointment with a fertility doctor and actually had our appointment scheduled for yesterday...we found out we were pregnant on Sunday, after we had gone for testing on Friday!! Gah, its funny how things work sometimes.
Needless to say, I cancelled the fertility appointment and we still haven't received the results from this round of testing.
Without going into it too much, we tried so many suggestions we read on blogs and forums and honestly, we both believe that it was acupuncture that was the life saver.
I go for my third appointment tomorrow and plan on going once a week all through the pregnancy.
The place I go to is amazing and works on a sliding scale structure, meaning you pay what you can afford based on how often/long you plan on doing acupuncture.
This is so great because it allows me and others like me, to be able to afford a treatment that would normally be triple what I pay!
I didn't even think I was pregnant, all week I had been feeling like I was going to get my period and I was ready for it. I had a pity party in the morning one day and then after that, I went about my normal life. I wasn't thinking about it too much and was just waiting for my period.
I woke up Saturday and decided to test just in case, since the next day was Father's Day. I didn't expect two lines to show up at all, but they did!
I ran in and showed Luke, he said the line was faint and that he was tired. He went back to sleep (it was 6 am) and I grabbed Monty and we went over the river to Kroger for a digital test.
I made myself coffee and breakfast and watched a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars and then took the digital test and within two seconds, it read PREGNANT.
Again, I ran in and told Luke. This time he believed it but I didn't. I still felt like I was going to get my period and didn't want to get my hopes up.
But my period still hasn't come, so I finally believe it.
We haven't told many people as of right now, just our parents, siblings and their significant others and three friends.
We're planning on not telling anyone else until after our first appointment which isn't until July 22nd when I'll be at 8 weeks.
Right now, we're just living life like normal.
I still go on long runs, go to the gym, take barre and yoga classes and drink coffee.
Luke is working a lot and working hard.
We're going to San Diego on Monday for a week and plan on taking a couple more mini trips over the summer.
We know life is going to change in the future but right now is not the time.
I haven't taken any baby bump photos, because there is no bump, but I plan to when there is one.
For now, I'm just going to do these little surveys, so here is the first!
How far along? 4 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: none. still between 110-112 daily.
Maternity clothes? not yet.
Stretch marks? nope.
Sleep: my sleeping patterns are still the same, going to bed around 10 or 11, waking up at 6 to feed Monty and then again at 7 to walk him.
Best moment this week: not getting my period!
Have you told family and friends: Yes, just our parents, siblings and select friends.
Movement: Too early. But I do feel little flutters every once in awhile, not the baby obviously.
Food cravings: salad and fruit but thats normally all I eat in the summer anyways.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope.
Have you started to show yet: nope.
Leakage: no.
Gender prediction: Boy.
Labor Signs: No. Too early.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water and slather on shea butter and rose hip oil!
Milestones: actually conceiving! it took 5 months!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
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